Safeguarding Your Rights And Future In Legal Storms

Minneapolis Business Succession Planning Lawyer

There are many different uses for insurance, and it can help you achieve many different things. It continues to be an extremely important tool in estate planning, business and other areas. There are many products on the market that can help you reach your goals. Be sure you talk to someone who understands all the products and can provide some guidance on which ones will be the best fit for your situation.

At the Lang Kauppi Overhaug Law in Chanhassen, our Minnesota life insurance attorney works with clients to obtain the financial protection they need today, as well as helping them plan for the future. We listen carefully to your concerns to determine if any of them could be accommodated through insurance. We will advise you on the best type of policy to take out in pursuit of your goals.

Planning For The Future

As an estate planning tool, insurance can allow you to provide for your family after you have passed away. You can also take out policies specifically for your funeral and burial expenses, in-home care and other expenses.

We also help clients with insurance to cover business transactions. Business succession planning is a good example. If an employee plans to buy a business from the owner, a succession plan can be put in place where the employee continues to work for the company while making payments toward ownership.

If the owner dies, the business will likely be left to his or her family. We can help you take out life insurance policies on the owner for the value of the purchase price so you have the money to buy the business from the owner’s family.

No matter what your goals may be, there is often an insurance product to help you reach them. We will take the time to listen to your goals and help you devise a plan to reach them.

Discuss Your Insurance Questions With A Lawyer: 952-470-6361

Contact our office today to discuss your insurance needs. We have helped countless clients throughout the Twin Cities metro area and greater Minnesota with a variety of insurance matters. We will provide a complete evaluation of your case and help you understand your legal options. You can reach us by phone at 952-470-6361 or via e-mail.